Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to catch a water snake!

me and my favorite snake
my little brother

  • Me and my family have this creek we go down to and catch small water snakes. Dont get upset because most snakes that stay close to the water are small breeds.   Now you need to be prepared when catching a snake and you have to know how to find them, where to look, and what to bring if you do catch one.
  • First you need a small container like a coffee can or anything with a lid. Poke small holes in the top to let your snake breathe while he is in there.\
  • You will need some type of towel or thick cloth to use to grab the snake with. it will protect your hand in case the snake is scared and trys to bite. (Even if it bites you , water snakes wont hurt you. It just feels like a pinch.) And if you forget a towel just do what I do and pull off your tshirt and use it 
  • Next when looking for a snake the best place to find them are on the edge of the water under rocks. I find them under big and small rocks but they are most of the time under flat ones. It may take a while but once you find one youll find a bunch under nearby rocks too. 
  • To capture one when you see it..just grab around his neck and squeeze a little to get control ..or you can grab it by the tail but be careful it might swing up and try to strike. wont hurt if it does
  • Once you got one just throw it into your can or container and close the lid as quickly as you can.. 
  • After you get home take one of those storage containers from walmart and make slits in the top.  Find a big rock in your yard and put it  in the box along with some grass and sticks to make your snake feel at home and give him a place to hide to make him more relaxed.     I even got a candle burner type thing and put it in with mine and it crawls all over and hangs through the holes. it really likes those things. warning!! dont stick your finger inside it because the snake will feel cornered and me!
  • To take care of your new snake make sure to change and clean the box once a week. For food you can buy minnows which are small fish from the bait shop and put them in a bowl of water in the snakes box and yum yum it will get full
  • Just a few tips.. if you catch more than one it is not the best to put them together in the same container. I did this once and I came back to check on them and there was only one snake left... and the other snake had a full shape of a snake inside him so be careful about that.
Other than that just be careful..snakes are fun. I have found some really nice calm snakes that let me pet and play with them. The more you handle them the calmer they will get. they will know your smell and also know that you aren't their food or a predator so they can become really good pets.... Hope you like the picture of my little snake. Right now I have some larger ones and they are harder to play with so I like smaller ones like this. Bye!

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